From the Principal’s Desk – 22 November, 2018
Dear Parents, The annual PYP 6 Exhibition was held last night and once again it was a huge success. Each year you think that it just cannot get better and yet the standard and levels of interactions are phenomenal. I am blown away by the students’ self-confidence, their passion for their chosen topics and their execution of the final product. One can be forgiven for forgetting that these...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 15 November, 2018
Dear Parents, This week saw the Early Years and Junior Primary students perform in their annual concerts – what an incredibly wonderful feeling of pride and admiration I had watching these youngsters just go for it and have a complete ball. I thoroughly enjoyed the various miss steps in the dance moves, swaying in the wrong direction, singly loudly and in some cases completely off...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 08 November, 2018
Dear Parents, “Learning is NOT a competition” In a recent article published by the World Economic Forum entitled “Children in Singapore will no longer be ranked by exam results. Here’s why“, the age old question about examinations and the competitive nature of education was once again raised. It seems that a country synonymous with an excellent education system...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 01 November, 2018
Dear Parents, One of the core subjects required for the awarding of the IB Diploma is the successful completion of the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course. Recently in my DP1 class we explored the topic of Political Correctness (PC) present in our world today and the effects thereof. We looked at the history of this concept and how it has gone from a very genuine attempt to highlight...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 18 October, 2018
Dear Parents, Tomorrow afternoon we celebrate the 2018 Valedictory Service. This annual prestigious ceremony is the final assembly for our graduating DP 2 class and gives us the opportunity to celebrate them just before they head off to write their final International Baccalaureate examinations – in this case, the Class of 2018. There are a couple of unique aspects with regards this...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 12 October, 2018
Dear Parents, Of all the qualities we hope to instill in our children, courage is quite possibly one of the most important. By definition courage is: ‘the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear’. This was a special week at HBIS where two of our year groups, at very different stages in their educational journey, had to demonstrate...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 04 October, 2018
Dear Parents, One of the cornerstones of any education system is the constant tussle between what’s “right and wrong”, “fair and unfair”, “moral or immoral”. It is one thing teaching children the basics of any school subject such as Mathematics, Science or History etc. but it is all those other “things” that we also need to teach that are always...Read More
From the Principal’s Desk – 20 September, 2018
Dear Parents, What an amazing high to end off yet another busy term at HBIS. There has been so much happening this term, it has been hard to keep track of all the comings and goings of our HBIS family. The National Eskom Science Expo for the HS students, Science Evening for PS students, the MYC Art Exhibition and the DP Final art Exhibition during the renowned First Thursdays, the annual CHELO...Read More