Taking a look at the PYP – The PYP 6 Exhibition
When first encountering the PYP 6 exhibition – the culmination of the Primary Years Programme, most noticeable is the confidence with which the students speak to visitors about the work they have been doing. The presentation skills they possess at such a young age don’t even compare to your standard classroom oral. Read More
How the PYP includes students within a global network through learning
In the 21st century the world has become a smaller place. Students are acutely aware that they are part of a bigger picture. It is now more possible than ever to participate culturally and economically on a global scale. And this will only become more of a tendency as children progress through school today. Read More
Inquiry-based learning – Teaching students to think for themselves
Inquiry-based learning puts the student at the centre of the study, encouraging them to seek out what they don’t know in areas that most interest them. This motivates students and they are enthusiastic to find answers to their questions. Involving students in the learning process this way has been proven to better cement knowledge and, perhaps even more importantly, develop skills to better...Read More
How the IB prepares students for the workload of the DP
Completing 6 subjects as well as the prerequisite Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) component, the Extended Essay (EE) and the foundational subject Theory of Knowledge (TOK) over the two years of the Diploma Programme (DP) is a heavy workload. The DP is structured in this way for the International Baccalaureate to best prepare students for the outside world. Read More
DP Students and Tertiary Education
When considering secondary education curriculum & subject choices, parents and students do so with tertiary education options in mind. Where do I want to study after school? So what should I study now? The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme well exceeds expectations when considering the appropriate secondary education choice to ease acceptance into tertiary education. It has the...Read More
The DP: Approaches to Learning; Approaches to Teaching
Approaches to teaching, and even more curiously, approaches to learning are not often enough the focus when deciding on the best curriculum or best school for children to attend. In the International Baccalaureate (IB), it is at the centre of the curriculum and the foundation from which all teaching, learning, subject curricula and further studies are based. Read More