Home HOME FACILITIES JOB OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT US WELCOME Perfectly positioned in the Hout Bay Valley between the mountain peaks and the Atlantic Ocean, Hout Bay International School has been providing an internationally accredited education for local and international families for the past 24 years. Our world-class International Baccalaureate education aims to inspire our students to reach their unique potential, equipping them for an ever-changing world and affording them the opportunity to become leaders of the future who will help to create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect. About Us ABOUT US VISION & MISSION IES/IBO MISSION STATEMENT IES HISTORY STAFF CHELO BURSARY SUPPORT PROGRAMME POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A LITTLE ABOUT HOUT BAY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Hout Bay International School is more than a school – it is a community of diverse individuals and families, a centre for academic excellence, for some a home away from home and yet more importantly a family for all those that are part of it. Our School is as diverse as the location in which it finds itself, our commitment to highlighting social injustice, the celebration of differences and the fostering of international mindedness goes beyond the classroom. Admissions ADMISSIONS ADMISSIONS PROCESS FEES ADMISSIONS PROCESS All prospective students will have to be assessed. An Admission Assessment will be scheduled by the Director of Admissions. The assessments are age appropriate and will take from one to three hours depending on the age of the applicant. Academics ACADEMICS AN IB WORLD SCHOOL THE IB LEARNER PROFILE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME (PYP) MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME (MYP) INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMME (DP)IB DIPLOMA SUCCESS STORIES ACADEMICS We are authorized as an IB World School to offer the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. This is a curriculum taught in over 5800 schools in 160 countries. We aim to provide the academic tools and qualifications to open doors to future educational and life opportunities. We want students who want to make a difference in their lives. Our curriculum, as an IB World School, is relevant for local South African and international students. It extends beyond the classroom providing meaningful experiences and qualifications our students are proud to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Extra-Curricular EXTRA-CURRICULAR INTRODUCTION SPORT CULTURAL SERVICE OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAFTERCARE PROFESSIONAL COACHING SCHOOL CAMPS EXTRA CURRICULAR Extra-Curricular Activities are activities that fall outside the normal academic curriculum of the school. Being an International Baccalaureate World School, Hout Bay International School is committed to ensuring that our students embody the Learner Profile attribute requiring students to be Balanced. A balanced student understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance allowing them to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Hout Bay International School offers a wide range of activities within the following areas; sports, cultural, outdoor education and community service. It is our belief that students who participate in extra-curricular activities after school obtain numerous benefits. News NEWS NEWSLETTERS Galleries Parents PARENTS UNIFORMS HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS PRIMARY SCHOOL WORKBOOKS STATIONERY - HIGH SCHOOL STATIONERY - PRIMARY SCHOOLSCHOOL CALENDARS ED ADMIN MULTI PORTAL IES MAGAZINES Online Bookings ONLINE BOOKINGS DAY TO DAY EXTRA-CURRICULAR ONLINE BOOKINGS Online Bookings facilitate the booking of all HBIS Extra-Curricular Activities, field trips, camps and other day to day purchases (such as aftercare and school lunches).
Perfectly positioned in the Hout Bay Valley between the mountain peaks and the Atlantic Ocean, Hout Bay International School has been providing an internationally accredited education for local and international families for the past 24 years. Our world-class International Baccalaureate education aims to inspire our students to reach their unique potential, equipping them for an ever-changing world and affording them the opportunity to become leaders of the future who will help to create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Hout Bay International School is more than a school – it is a community of diverse individuals and families, a centre for academic excellence, for some a home away from home and yet more importantly a family for all those that are part of it. Our School is as diverse as the location in which it finds itself, our commitment to highlighting social injustice, the celebration of differences and the fostering of international mindedness goes beyond the classroom.
All prospective students will have to be assessed. An Admission Assessment will be scheduled by the Director of Admissions. The assessments are age appropriate and will take from one to three hours depending on the age of the applicant.
We are authorized as an IB World School to offer the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. This is a curriculum taught in over 5800 schools in 160 countries. We aim to provide the academic tools and qualifications to open doors to future educational and life opportunities. We want students who want to make a difference in their lives. Our curriculum, as an IB World School, is relevant for local South African and international students. It extends beyond the classroom providing meaningful experiences and qualifications our students are proud to carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Extra-Curricular Activities are activities that fall outside the normal academic curriculum of the school. Being an International Baccalaureate World School, Hout Bay International School is committed to ensuring that our students embody the Learner Profile attribute requiring students to be Balanced. A balanced student understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance allowing them to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Hout Bay International School offers a wide range of activities within the following areas; sports, cultural, outdoor education and community service. It is our belief that students who participate in extra-curricular activities after school obtain numerous benefits.
Online Bookings facilitate the booking of all HBIS Extra-Curricular Activities, field trips, camps and other day to day purchases (such as aftercare and school lunches).
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