From the Counsellor’s Desk
Dear Parents and Students,
We are now settling into our new normal and well for some it is easier than for others. Our ability to adapt can have an impact on how effective we are at school, in our social circle and could have a bearing on our mental wellbeing.
Getting the mind centred:
Fear, anxiety and lack of motivation can all be barriers which hamper effectiveness. Yes, we are all in a challenging situation but one has to centre oneself and focus on the outcomes. Why are we keeping social connections, why are we continuing school, why do we have to do things as if we are in a totally normal situation. The simple answer is that this too shall pass and the outcomes, plans and desires that we have are still in the making. It is therefore important to maintain a positive mindset and outlook, to remain productive and efficient in order to not just weather this storm but to lead the lives we ultimately want to.
Letting the body move:
Movement plays a big part in our general mental-wellbeing. Yes, we have been ordered to stay safe and at home but this does not mean that we cannot move about in our given spaces. We don’t occupy the same space and thus we can roam freely in our spaces and we absolutely should. Run, skip, jump and do what allows you to let your body move. Creating those happy hormones which will do wonders for your overall mood and mental abilities.
Maintaining healthy social contact:
Just imagine we found ourselves in lockdown some 50 years ago, we would have been so limited in our scope to maintain friendships as communicating would have been minimal. We are in this predicament with so much at our disposal to maintain healthy relationships through text messaging, social media platforms (done safely and securely), meetings via skype or zoom etc we have all that is required to be connected and with some creativity we can have amazing social gatherings playing games, having coffee dates, and so on.
Allow yourself to grieve the temporary losses but also allow yourself to adjust and adapt to this temporary change. Life is full of wonderful things to be grateful for and this is a time to practice gratitude. If you are struggling with this change or anything in your academic, social or emotional wellbeing please contact me via email at