Even though the weather forecast for Thursday 15th March threatened gusty winds and possible rainfall, it in fact turned out to be a lovely evening. This year, there was not one Dating play in sight – the theme was Scared Silly, and the plays could not have been sillier. But that meant that the casts had great fun hamming up the plays and creating fun, over-the-top characters.
Sentinel opened with a Halloween based play and Daniella Paioni not only directed, but also managed to walk away with the Best Actress for her role as the impossible Delia.
Chapman’s play was delightful, with Valdimir, the vampire, played by Imaad Badereon bringing his natural charm to this role and winning Best Actor for his “schmarminess”. Emma Kramer and Holly Robinson directed.
Third up was the teachers who had begun rehearsing the afternoon of the show. Kudos to them, for their improvisational skills.
Disa, with the rather revolting theme of eating live bodies was directed by Christine Burger. For the imaginative set, lighting and music, Disa won Best Technical Production and for her clever directing skills, she won Best Director. In addition, the oblivious, short-sighted Sarah Adams won Most Promising Junior, for her fun performance.
The final production of the night ended with 8 dead bodies on the stage. Well done to Dungeons, directed by Iman Mohamed, for winning Best Production.
As I looked into the audience I saw many wide eyes and lots of smiling faces. It was great to have such a large responsive and supportive audience.
Congratulations to all who contributed to making the evening the success that it was.
Ms Judi Richardson